Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I have been taking a "I don't care" attitude towards training the past few months. I got a little burnt out this last season by all the training and stress of moving up from sport to expert. For next season I am going to back down the training hours and focus on quality workouts paying attention to how my body feels. Last year I got into the vicious cycle of not pushing hard enough on the high intensity workouts and trying to make up for it by pushing my endurance rides too hard. Most of the time this last summer I felt tired and the legs never felt like they had a great deal of strength and endurance.

I have been toying with the idea of building up a single speed for next season for two reasons. One, to bring back some of the fun by riding a bike that needs very little attention and is simple by nature. Two, to build up the leg strength by pushing hard gears up the climbs. We will see what happens, I will probably need to save a few pennies before I can justify the purchase of another bike. If it does happen it will probably be this.

Andrea and I are going to try to get out Saturday morning for a ride at Lebanon Hills. It might be a little cold, but I am looking forward to a trail ride after all the racing this past year. If anyone would like to join us we should be there around 7:00 AM and will probably complete a couple of laps.

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