Monday, August 13, 2007

MNSCS #7 Welch MTB Jam


Large amounts of rain Friday and Saturday made for virtually unrideable conditions on Saturday. Andrea and I decided not to go out on the course, but Jordan had no problem getting herself and the bike full of mud. Instead of riding we just hung out and talked with fellow riders. We kept checking on the weather hoping that it would stay dray and a little breezy to let the course dry out. Unfortunatly another round our storms came through at dusk and the radar indicated that Welch was in the path. Fortunately behind the front the air was much drier and there was a nice breeze throught the night. Sunday morning it was cool and the skies were clear, but you could tell it was going to warm up. Arriving at the course around 8:30 things were in much better condition that Saturday. There were still some puddles in areas, but most areas had firmed up nicely.

Matts Race

Andreas Race

Jordans Race

Jordan was on auto pilot this morning. We often have to watch her and make sure that she is ready for the start of her race. Today was a different story, she simply asked us what time it was and took care of the rest. She went out and did her pre race warm-up

Kids Race

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